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This page is going to serve as a blog for the journey I’m on with this Celica and how it’s going to be evolving into something more modern but hopefully keeping the core touches of what made the GT-Four an epic car.
A forgotten legend of the 1990s JDM magic.
So where do we start?
Let’s rewind to 1995. I’m getting excited about learning to drive. I didn’t know anything about cars, but my family had Toyotas and naturally I wanted to see what the fastest car Toyota had was.
It was the Supra, but the Celica caught my eye with the funky four headlights. In later years I scratched the Supra itch, which I’ll probably do again later on.
But, after three years driving a slower car, I ended up with the pop up light Celica (ST18x) and from there I wanted the ST205 GT-Four.
A year later, I went to see a Celica in the local Japanese import place, Holland Motors. But, when I walked in, I was immediately taken with a black MR2 Turbo, T-bar. That was the end of the Celica for While and I went feet first into the MR2 world, making some amazing friends along the way.
Fast forward to the spring of 2021, a friend acquired a Celica GT-Four and set about modifying it, and it reignited that yearning for one. Even more so after he turned up at my house in it! I thought about it, deliberated and then thought that it if I could find the right car, I would get one. To sit alongside the R35 GT-R.
In September 2021, a black WRC model became available. It was cosmetically perfect, totally standard and just needed some minor mechanical work to bring it up to scratch.
A deal was done and on the 23rd September, I took ownership of my Celica GT-Four WRC